Project: Did you know that the egg has been an ancient symbol of new life? The egg brings hope and purity. In some cultures, it means luck! 🥚Eggs are often used in "celebrations of Spring" throughout many cultures. 🌸 After they have been decorated with different colors or designs, they might be given as gifts to friends and family! One way eggs are commonly decorated is by marbling them.
The origin and development ​of marbling was practiced in Japan as early as the 12th century. ​The first forms of Japanese marbling were called Suminagashi, or "ink floating."​ Delicate, swirled patterns were ​produced on paper when colors of ink were floated on the surface of the water.​
Happy art makin’, artists!!!
MATERIALS: Shaving Cream or Lotion, food dye (or paint, fruit juices, watercolor, or washable markers you run under the sink), paper, scissors, and glue.
I CAN create marbled paper by mixing colors with a liquid base and transferring it to my paper.
I CAN create a triptych (three pieces displayed together) of my marbled eggs.
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